Program Tree
Program Tree (MH Division)
ANC (registration and checkup)
Incentive Schemes
JSY (State)
Operationalization of CHCs and PHCs as 24x7 delivery points
Strengthening of delivery points
Strengthening of FRUs
Extensive field visits for implementation of various Maternal Health activities and on-site training of service providers
Improving intra-partum and immediate post partum care in Labour Rooms
Strengthening of Labour Rooms with respect to
Availability of Drugs and Equipments
Adopting best practices in Labour Room
Infection prevention measures
Management of AMTSL
Management of Obs. Complication
Display of Standard Emergency Protocols
Proper plotting of Partograph
Avoidance of unnecessary referrals
Rational deployment of skilled Human Resource at delivery points
Other Programs
Maternal death Review
RTI/STI services